Monday, May 24, 2010

Dogs Love The Couch!

Why do I have to stop licking it? Geez.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well, my friends are gone- they went home on Friday. It was fun to have them here, but the 4:30 wake-up barking from Annabelle made me a little tired. I have been sleeping and sleeping since they left. We were so busy- even though Mom was out of the house a lot to go to work and stuff, she made sure we had exercise and entertainment when she was home. Annabelle really liked to be outside, and every time she went out, Lexi or I had to go along, because Mom said we would keep the hawks away. Auntie Amy made Mom pretty uptight about birds. I caught her suspiciously eyeing the goldfinches at the feeder a few times. Silly Mom.

One day, we went for a walk on our leashes, Mom's friend took Annabelle and me, and Lexi took Mom. It was kind of like when we used to go walk with Molly, she always had to be in FRONT and at the end of the leash. Annabelle had to sniff one million things, and I was perfect. I'm always perfect. Just saying. When we came back, we had chocolate-chip cookies (for dogs, Auntie- not people food) and then we went outside to hang out in the sun. I was the only one who seemed to understand the word RELAX. 

I miss my friends, but I know I'll see them at day care soon!! Until then, I'll just catch a little nap in the sun. Or on the couch. 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dogs love learning!

Lexi is not very good at catching stuff, you know, cookies, balls, random things that Mom might be throwing- so we decided to help her out a little. Here, she is carefully listening to the instructions on how to catch a tennis ball. She was quite interested.

Look at the concentration... it makes the fiery Dobermann a fierce ball-catcher....

Jaw precision is critical- open your mouth too much and the ball goes down your gullet, too little and it bounces off your razor sharp tooth.

The grab...


After one million throws where Lexi finally caught one, I decided to learn something too. 

So I taught myself to read. 

Dogs LOVE staying over!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dogs love friends!

Well, my friends are here, and it looks like we are going to have a fun time. Mom hung the new rules, even though I'm not sure Lexi can read- she's not as smart as me, but I told her what they all meant because I'm nice. Annabelle likes to go down the cat hole (not a cat!! not that bright!!) so Mom blocked it off with some freaky mirror that makes us all look really tall. Like a Great Dane. Pretty cool.  Our first day was fun- Mom left us alone for a while, and we were all good, no poops or chewing of stuff or sleeping in beds. Me and Lexi spent most of the day outside, playing and laying in the sun, and Annabelle just followed Mom around, seeing what she was doing and when she got tired, she went in her dog crate. I do the same thing at Amy's house when life gets too hectic. It's nice to go lie in a quiet box sometimes. After my dinner tonight, we all sacked out on the couch while Mom did some work, and now it looks like Mom is going out- so we all get a cookie! Yay! More tomorrow!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Do dogs love sleepovers?

My friends came to stay over with Mom and me, because soon, their mommy and daddy are going floating on a big floatie out to the ocean to visit ocean dogs, play with ocean frisbees and eat ocean dog food. Sounds like a super vacation! My vacations are pretty much like that, but usually at Gramma's, Auntie Grace's or Karen's house. Without the floatie. But there is always delicious dog food. Especially at Maggie's house. What was I talking about? Oh, so my friends came to stay for a night because soon they will be staying for a whole week, and Mom wanted to make sure we wouldn't all gang up on her and have a wild dog party after locking her in a closet (look for your invite!!) We had a lot of fun- Mom let us play Dog Twister and Hide the Cookie and Get the Squirrel. Annabelle and Lexi enjoyed Walk on the Pool, which is a game that dogs play when they don't know what falling in a pool is like. NOT FUN! Then, we all took an overnight nap in the living room until Mom woke us up for bed. I slept in Lexi's bed, Lexi slept on the couch and Annabelle slept in her bed. Today we are all kind of tired, and there are a lot of boomy storms outside, so we are watching Mom cook. Lexi can put her nose right on the counter! Mom must think that's awesome, because she mentions it A LOT.

When Annabelle discovered the big window, Mom thought she was looking for her Mommy and Daddy, but after a while we realized she was excited to look out a big window. She stared at the neighbors, dogs, bugs, birds, flowers, children and a blowy leaf. We all sat together and watched the lightening- that was pretty cool. My friends are going home today, but they will be back soon, and I can't wait. Yay!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dogs love company!!

Mommy and Auntie Amy have been telling me that my friends Lexi and Annabelle are going to come and stay with me for a whole week!! I can't wait!! We are going to play in the back yard, sleep on the couch, go for walks and wake Mom up in the middle of the night for snacks. Maybe we'll tell ghost dog stories around the campfire and make Mom put us in the bed with her because we're scared.