Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ear Snuffle- rare photos.

Here is me doing the ear snuffle. It is very hard to get a picture of this, just like a Polar Bear giving birth. Mom was able to sneak up on me with the camera, but she only got two shots before I realized this secret dog ritual was being documented. I can get thrown out of the Dog Ear Snuffle Club for that. The last picture is me being embarrassed that I got caught. I hope my friends don't see this. Mom doesn't care what people think about her antics, but I have a reputation to uphold.


  1. Just to clarify, it's easy to sneak up on said dog performing the Ear Snuffle, as she is making more noise than a Tasmanian Devil in heat. It's a snort-fest. And the comment about my behavior, well, that's just rude. More deadly cookies for you, chickie.

  2. Hey, Willow! Do this. Sit down on your Mom's carpet and drag you hiney across the living room. She will laugh. It's a dog thing. We drag our claws up and down our Mom's pleated shades. She doesn't laugh, but we know she wants too.
    Maggie and Maximillion
    Claws R Us
