Monday, December 6, 2010

Dogs love... coverings.

There is often an issue with heat in my home. I don't like it. Willow does. So, we have agreed to disagree. When the heat does come on (rare) she rushes over to the heat register, which is located under the curtains, and dances in front of it and snaps her dog jaws at it to capture as much of it as she can. I usually watch and laugh. This day, when it shut off, she swung around, sat down, and stared at me. With the curtain on her head. For five whole minutes. I got the message. I turned the heat up.


  1. Hey Willow, ask your Mommy for a sweater or a coat for Christmas. Our Mommy and Daddy got us a new bed to keep us warm this winter. We sleep in it together. We have a nice Mommy and Daddy. Your Mommy lets you freeze. You can come down here as long as you don't BARK!
    Maggie & Max
    Cuddley warm cats

  2. She does not bark. So she can come visit????

  3. Will you chase us? We are very afraid of dogs, especially big dogs. Maggie likes to sniff little tiny dogs, but I am afraid of them too.
