Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dogs Love Bilingual Moms!

Oh boy!! Today was a fun time because Mom and I went to Plymouth to help Auntie Amy train a prison pup, Mona, who was very nice and very smart. We got a refresher course, too, because sometimes Mom forgets that I have to be told some stuff- I'm not perfect all on my own, you know. After we met Mona and some other dogs who need help with their manners in public, Mom noticed I needed a drink. We walked over to a little shop and we passed by lots of people sitting and eating ice cream. One of them said "Ay, mira a esta mujer y su perro feo." ("Hey, check out this chick and her ugly-ass dog.") Before I knew what was going on, we were stopped and Mom was speaking to a lady saying, "Ella es hermosa y muy elegante, pero gracias a su ridícula opinión" ("Really?? Are you not aware that Gringas can speak Spanish, also? Oh, and don't call my dog ugly, bitch.") Then we went into the water store and I got lots of attention because I don't think dogs are allowed in there. But I was good and didn't shop or sniff anything that looked breakable and my water was cold and delicious. Gracias, Mom!


  1. Tu eres bella. Tu mami es muy inteligente.

  2. WHAT? Some one had the gall to call my Granddog ugly? I don't think so. Glad you gave them what for. Glad you speak the lingo... Glad I wasn't there.....I don't speak the lingo....but I hit people that piss me off. Willow, you are muy bonita and I love you.

  3. people are stupid and rude. that's why i hang out with dogs. ;) hey they should make a plaque that says that!
