Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well, my friends are gone- they went home on Friday. It was fun to have them here, but the 4:30 wake-up barking from Annabelle made me a little tired. I have been sleeping and sleeping since they left. We were so busy- even though Mom was out of the house a lot to go to work and stuff, she made sure we had exercise and entertainment when she was home. Annabelle really liked to be outside, and every time she went out, Lexi or I had to go along, because Mom said we would keep the hawks away. Auntie Amy made Mom pretty uptight about birds. I caught her suspiciously eyeing the goldfinches at the feeder a few times. Silly Mom.

One day, we went for a walk on our leashes, Mom's friend took Annabelle and me, and Lexi took Mom. It was kind of like when we used to go walk with Molly, she always had to be in FRONT and at the end of the leash. Annabelle had to sniff one million things, and I was perfect. I'm always perfect. Just saying. When we came back, we had chocolate-chip cookies (for dogs, Auntie- not people food) and then we went outside to hang out in the sun. I was the only one who seemed to understand the word RELAX. 

I miss my friends, but I know I'll see them at day care soon!! Until then, I'll just catch a little nap in the sun. Or on the couch. 


  1. Our Mom thinks Annabelle is the cutest thing in the world, dog world that is, cats are still the cutest, most adorable, softest creatures on earth, and we are very very smart. Dogs are stuupid.
    Maggie and Maximillion

  2. Didn't Amy tell you? we are super nosy dogs...i see by the pics we poked around ALOT! RELAX is not in Amy's vocabulary much so it's only natural that we dogs don't know how to do it either. Sorry. Thanks again for taking such good care of us! ALEXIS & ANNABELLE

    PS what is with your refusal to spell my name right?...-Annabelle

  3. Annabelle-
    So sorry about the name misspelling!!! I couldn't read your paw-writing on your breakfast request cards. Won't happen again!!
    Auntie Lisa.
